June 5, 2024 Board approved minutes

Fredenberg Board of Supervisors Minutes of Proceedings May 15, 2024

20240605 BOS minutes
The regular Board meeting of the Town of Fredenberg, Minnesota, St. Louis County was held in the Fredenberg Town Hall on Wednesday, June 5, 2024, at 7:00 PM.

1. Board members present: Chair Tim Wagner, Vice Chair Deb Pawlowicz, Supervisor Jeff Blix, Supervisor Walter Rapp, Clerk Ellen Hanson, and Deputy Clerk Kim Wagner and Treasurer Chelsey Mahr. Absent: Supervisor Clay Cich.
2. Others in Attendance: There were 8 others in attendance.
3. Call to order the Regular meeting: The meeting was called to order by Chair Wagner at
7:00 PM.
4. Pledge of allegiance: All present stood and cited the pledge of allegiance.
5. Approval of the Agenda: There was a motion by Supervisor Blix to approve the agenda and seconded by Chair Wagner. There was a roll call vote and all signified affirmatives. This motion was carried unanimously.
6. Open Forum
• George Pappas expressed his concerns about the condition of Wood Duck and East Cook Lake roads and requested additional attention to them.
7. Approval of the Minutes
• Regular meeting of May 15, 2024: There was a motion by Supervisor Blix to approve the May 15, 2024, Board of Supervisors meeting minutes as presented and seconded by Chair Wagner. There was a roll call vote and all signified affirmatives. This motion was carried unanimously.
8. Financial Reports
• Treasurer Mahr stated she is balanced with the bank and presented the cash control report and the Schedule 1 report which has the investment totals. There was a motion by Chair Wagner to approve the treasurer’s report and seconded by Supervisor Pawlowicz. There was a roll call vote and all signified affirmatives. This motion was carried unanimously. The May 31, 2024 ending balance in the checking account was $199,452.11 and the outstanding checks total was $16,155.43.
9. Clerks Report – Ellen Hanson
• Clerk Hanson presented the cash balance statement for Board review. She is balanced with the bank. The cash balance ending balance is $183,296.68.
• The Board reviewed the claims list. There was a motion by Supervisor Blix to accept claims 10845-10852 for a total of $18,126.66 and claim 10853 total of $7,520; total claims are $25,646.66 and seconded by Supervisor Rapp. There was a roll call vote and all signified affirmatives. This motion was carried unanimously.
• Hanson presented the list of certified election judges for approval to serve at both the Primary election on August 13 and the General election on November 5, 2024. There was a motion by Supervisor Rapp to approve the list and seconded by Supervisor Blix. There was a roll call vote and all signified affirmatives. This motion was carried unanimously.
• Hanson stated she and Deputy Clerk Wagner are attending Clerk Election judge training on June 7 in Virginia MN from 9 AM-4 PM and the new poll pads training will be on June 26 from 12-2 PM in Duluth.
• Garden Club requested $500 for the purchase of gardening items. In the past, the town gave them a lump sum payment. The State Auditor requires receipts for reimbursement from the town. Instead of the lump sum, receipts are needed to pay reimbursements.
• The Joint Powers agreement and Court Data Services are complete since the FBI has assigned a number for the township.
• Request to gather propane quotes for the July meeting.
• There was a motion by Supervisor Blix to accept the Clerk’s report and seconded by Chair Wagner. There was a roll call vote and all signified affirmatives. This motion was carried unanimously.
10. Correspondence
• Clerk Hanson read the correspondence. There was 1 mail and 8 emails during the month. In addition, there was a request from Vittorio Contracting to be added to the contractor list.
11. Reports
a. Fredenberg Law Enforcement statistics
• Deputy Sheriff Sergeant Nick Voltzke was not present; however, he sent the May 2024 statistics. There were 33 incidents in the township.
b. Roads/Bridges report for May 2024
• Supervisor Blix reported the roads are in good shape. He has driven the roads and has determined which roads are in greatest need of grading and calcium chloride application.
• The invasive weed, Japanese Knotweed, has been found in Fredenberg. The County will apply the first application of the removal product at no cost to residents and after that the land owner will need to pay for it. It can take up to 4 years for the eradication of this weed with annual applications.
• Calcium chloride (dust control) for roads: Supervisor Blix estimated the cost for calcium chloride applications are estimated at $22,000.00 for Fredenberg roads. He will place the order early due to the manufacturer not having product available last year.
c. Fire Department report for May 2024
• Chief Bergstrand was not presented. She will send in a report for the June newsletter.
d. Cemetery report for May 2024
• Supervisor Rapp reported the cemetery has been cleaned up and open for business. There was one issue with a head stone being placed in the wrong location.
e. Parks and Recreation and Pavilion for May 2024
• The skating rink boards and posts were removed by Supervisor Rapp and volunteers.
• Walking trail: Supervisor Rapp mowed the trail twice and now the lawn mowing contractor will mow it for an additional $15.00 per month.
f. Community Center report for May 2024
• The chimney liner has been replaced.
• Supervisor Rapp reported the outside building work is finished.
• Clerk Hanson stated there was 1 rental in April and 4 events.
g. Recycling report for May 2024
• Supervisor Pawlowicz reported the Recycling Center is operating well.
• Neighborhood Night Out (NNO) items are being put on reserve in advance. The vendors will then bill the township.
12. Other Monthly meetings
• There were no other monthly meetings.
13. Old Business
• No old business to discuss.
14. New Business
• The Reservoir Riders will have an open house on Saturday, June 8 from 10 AM-4 PM.
15. Adjourn
• There was a motion by Supervisor Blix to adjourn the meeting at 7:30 PM and seconded by Chair Wagner. There was a roll call vote and all signified affirmatives. This motion was carried unanimously.
Respectfully submitted,

Ellen Hanson, Clerk Tim Wagner
Kim Wagner, Deputy Clerk Board Chair