May 2024 Agenda

May 2024 AGENDA

1. Call to Order the Regular meeting at 7:00 PM
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Approve the Agenda
4. Open Forum (public can present issues to the Board) Time limit of 3 minutes per person.
5. Approval of Minutes – Regular meeting of May 15, 2024
6. Financial Reports
a. Treasurer’s report – Chelsey Mahr
b. Clerk’s report – Ellen Hanson
7. Correspondence
8. Reports
a. Law Enforcement Stats for May 2024 – Nick Voltzke
b. Roads/Bridges report for May 2024 – Jeff Blix
c. Fire Department report for May 2024 – Tim Wagner
d. Cemetery report for May 2024 – Walter Rapp
d. Parks and Recreation for May 2024 – Clay Cich/Walter Rapp
e. Community Center & Pavilion for May 2024– Clay Cich
f. Recycling report for May 2024 – Deb Pawlowicz
h. Other Meetings attended in May 2024
9. Old Business
10. New Business
a. Second monthly Board meeting is June 19, 2024
11. Adjourn