July 3, 2024 Approved Minutes

Fredenberg Board of Supervisors Minutes of Proceedings July 3, 2024


The regular Board meeting of the Town of Fredenberg, Minnesota, St. Louis County was held in the Fredenberg Town Hall on Wednesday, July 3, 2024, at 7:00 PM.

1. Board members present: Chair Tim Wagner, Vice Chair Deb Pawlowicz, Supervisor Jeff Blix, Supervisor Clay Cich, Supervisor Walter Rapp, Clerk Ellen Hanson, Deputy Clerk
Kim Wagner and Treasurer Chelsey Mahr.
2. Others in Attendance: There were 5 others in attendance.
3. Call to order the Regular meeting: The meeting was called to order by Chair Wagner at
7:00 PM.
4. Pledge of allegiance: All present stood and cited the pledge of allegiance.
5. Approval of the Agenda: There was a motion by Supervisor Blix to approve the agenda and seconded by Chair Wagner. There was a roll call vote and all signified affirmatives. This motion was carried unanimously.
6. Open Forum
• Diane Palmstein acknowledged St. Louis Rescue Squad and the Fredenberg Fire Department for their support during the recent heavy rains. They went house to house checking on households.
• Mark Munger, candidate for MN House seat 3B, introduced himself. He is a 40-year resident of Fredenberg.
• Jock Finner expressed concerns about trucks working on Fish Lake Road are “jake breaking” near his property that generates a lot of noise. Since it is a County Road, the Board has little to no control over it. Even so, a phone call will be made to the County garage supervisor.
7. Approval of the Minutes
• Regular meeting of June 5, 2024: There was a motion by Supervisor Blix to approve the June 5, 2024, Board of Supervisors meeting minutes as presented and seconded by Supervisor Rapp. There was a roll call vote and all signified affirmatives. This motion was carried unanimously.
8. Financial Reports
• Treasurer Mahr stated she is balanced with the bank and presented the cash control report and the Schedule 1 report which has the investment totals. There was a motion by Supervisor Pawlowicz to approve the treasurer’s report and seconded by Supervisor Cich. There was a roll call vote and all signified affirmatives. This motion was carried unanimously. The June 30, 2024 ending balance in the checking account was $156,487.28 and the outstanding checks total was $574.
9. Clerks Report – Ellen Hanson
• The first half of property taxes were deposited today into the checking account. The amount is $221,427.26.
• Clerk Hanson presented the cash balance statement for Board review. She is balanced with the bank. The cash balance ending balance is $156,602.28.
• The Board reviewed the claims list. There was a motion by Supervisor Pawlowicz to accept claims 10854-10868 for a total of $62,788.25 and claim 10869 total of $3,375; total claims are $66,163.25 and seconded by Supervisor Blix. There was a roll call vote and all signified affirmatives. This motion was carried unanimously.
• Hanson stated she and Deputy Clerk Wagner attended Clerk Election judge training on June 7 in Virginia MN and the new poll pads training on June 26.
• Hanson had a virtual meeting with the website developer. He updated the towns site and also added the ability to link emails to new postings.
• There was a motion by Supervisor Pawlowicz to accept the Clerk’s report and seconded by Supervisor Blix. There was a roll call vote and all signified affirmatives. This motion was carried unanimously.
10. Correspondence
• Clerk Hanson read the correspondence. There were 2 mail and 9 emails during the month.
11. Reports 2024 for July
a. Fredenberg Law Enforcement statistics
• Deputy Sheriff Sergeant Nick Voltzke was not present; however, he sent the June 2024 statistics. There were 29 incidents in the township and 2 arrests.
b. Roads/Bridges report
• Supervisor Blix reported the roads are overall in good shape.
• East Hunter Lake Rd was under water from the recent rains. The water is receding quickly.
• He reported the roads have been graded and gravel added to a few.
• Calcium chloride was applied for dust control. They ran out on 8th Ave. and River Lane.
• Supervisor Blix dealt with a complaint that there was not enough calcium chloride on a road.
c. Fire Department report
• Chief Bergstrand reported 4 calls in May and 5 in June.
• The rescue truck is being repaired.
d. Cemetery report
• Supervisor Rapp reported the cemetery continues to be open.
e. Parks and Recreation and Pavilion
• Supervisor Rapp reported he sealed the cracks on the tennis court.
f. Community Center report
• Hanson presented the revised rental agreement and reviewed the changes. She added verbiage for public use facilities and television/audio equipment and a re-keying fee. There was a motion by Supervisor Blix to approve the changes and seconded by Supervisor Cich. This motion carried unanimously.
• Clerk Hanson stated there was 5 rentals in June and 2 events.
g. Recycling report
• Supervisor Pawlowicz reported the Recycling Center is operating well. There has been an issue with people dumping dirty recyclables.
• Neighborhood Night Out (NNO): The Fire Department, St. Louis County Rescue Squad, and Deputy Sheriff Sergeant Nick Voltzke will be in attendance. Volunteers are welcomed.
12. Other Monthly meetings
• There were no other monthly meetings.
13. Old Business
• Rental agreement: See under Community Center report.
14. New Business
• Propane quotes: Hanson reported two propane quotes were received. One from Como: $1.259/gallon for a two-year contract and Superior Fuel: $1.299/gallon for 1-3 years with the first fill at .999/gallon and employee pricing at $1.499. The Board had a discussion on the quotes. There was a motion by Supervisor Blix to enter into a contract with Como for two years, ask for three years, and seconded by Supervisor Pawlowicz. There was a roll call vote and all signified affirmatives. This motion was carried unanimously.
• Credit card payments: Hanson reported on the research of companies providing the service of accepting credit cards for payment. The top two services are Merchant One offering a .29%-1.99% per transaction and Clover: you have to call for rates. There was a motion by Supervisor Rapp authorizing the Clerk to make the decision on the service and seconded by Chair Wagner. There was a roll call vote and all signified affirmatives. This motion was carried unanimously.
• Request to solicit quotes for roadside/ditch mowing: The Board granted permission to gather quotes to present at the August meeting.
• Second monthly Board meeting is July 17, 2024: There was a motion by Supervisor Blix not to have a second meeting and seconded by Supervisor Cich. There was a roll call vote and all signified affirmatives. This motion was carried unanimously.
15. Adjourn
• There was a motion by Supervisor Blix to adjourn the meeting at 7:56 PM and seconded by Superior Cich. There was a roll call vote and all signified affirmatives. This motion was carried unanimously.

Respectfully submitted,

Ellen Hanson, Clerk Tim Wagner
Kim Wagner, Deputy Clerk Board Chair