April 2024 Minutes

Fredenberg Board of Supervisors Minutes of Proceedings April 3, 2024

The regular Board meeting of the Town of Fredenberg, Minnesota, St. Louis County was held in the Fredenberg Town Hall on Wednesday, April 3, 2024, at 7:00 PM.
1. Board members present: Chair Tim Wagner, Vice Chair Deb Pawlowicz, Supervisor Jeff Blix, Supervisor Walter Rapp, Clerk Ellen Hanson, and Deputy Clerk Kim Wagner and Treasurer Chelsey Mahr. Absent: Supervisor Clay Cich.
2. Others in Attendance: There were 15 others in attendance.
3. Call to order the Regular meeting: The meeting was called to order by Chair Wagner at
7:00 PM.
4. Pledge of allegiance: All present stood and cited the pledge of allegiance.
5. Approval of the Agenda: There was a motion by Supervisor Blix to approve the agenda and seconded by Chair Wagner. There was a roll call vote and all signified affirmatives. This motion was carried unanimously.
6. Open Forum
• Matt McShane: Requested the use and field improvements to the baseball field for the Hermantown Baseball Youth Association. They want to reserve the field 2 days per week, May through July. Also, they are requesting financial support of up to $5,000 to resurface the in-field. The Association will cover all the labor costs. There was a motion by Supervisor Blix approving financial support up to $5,000 for resurfacing the in-field and seconded by Chair Wagner. There was a roll call vote and all signified affirmatives. This motion was carried unanimously.
7. Approval of the Minutes
• Regular meeting of March 6th, 2024: There was a motion by Supervisor Pawlowicz to approve the March 6th, 2024, Board of Supervisors meeting minutes as amended and seconded by Supervisor Blix. There was a roll call vote and all signified affirmatives. This motion was carried unanimously. Amendments: Item 6 change Snipper to Sipper and add “print a retraction in the next newsletter”; item 16 change Appaloosas to Apple Palooza.
8. Financial Reports
• Treasurer Mahr stated she is balanced with the bank and presented the cash control report and the Schedule 1 report which has the investment totals. There was a motion by Supervisor Blix to approve the treasurers report and seconded by Supervisor Pawlowicz. There was a roll call vote and all signified affirmatives. This motion was carried unanimously. The March 31, 2024 ending balance in the checking account was $224,675.78 and the outstanding checks total $1,648.16.
• Treasurer Mahr requested the Board approve a meeting stipend for her reporting at the annual meeting. There was a motion by Supervisor Pawlowicz to approve a meeting stipend for the Treasurer reporting at the annual meeting and seconded by Chair Wagner. There was a roll call vote and all signified affirmatives. This motion was carried unanimously.
• Treasurer Mahr noted the CD is up for renewal. She checked with MCCU and found they had a special 13-month CD at 4.65%. There was a motion by Supervisor Pawlowicz to move the current CD to the special 13 month at 4.65% and add the savings account dollars
• to it and seconded by Supervisor Blix. There was a roll call vote and all signified affirmatives. This motion was carried unanimously. The CD will be earmarked for the 210- Road pavement, repair, replacement fund.
9. Clerks Report – Ellen Hanson
• Clerk Hanson presented the Cash balance statement for Board review. She is balanced with the bank. The cash balance ending balance is $223,027.62
• The Board reviewed the claims list. There was a motion by Supervisor Rapp to accept claims 10815-10828 for a total of $15,712.44 and seconded by Supervisor Blix. There was a roll call vote and all signified affirmatives. This motion was carried unanimously.
• Hanson had an inquiry about hosting a Shred-it day this year. The cost of this event is prohibited for the township to host. It was hosted a few years ago when the town had a copious number of documents to shred.
10. Correspondence
• Clerk Hanson read the correspondence. There were 3 mail and 14 emails during the month.
11. Reports
a. Roads/Bridges report for March 2024:
• Supervisor Blix reported the roads are in good shape.
• Trees were removed from roads after the recent high winds.
• Supervisor Blix and Mr. Kaneski completed the annual road review.
• St. Louis County Road maintenance will remove the stop signs at Bear Island and 8th Avenue roads.
b. Fire Department report for March 2024:
• Chief Bergstrand reported there were 6 calls in March, 2 medical, 2 grass/wildland fires,
1 gas leak, and 1 rescue squad assist.
• Members attended the 9-1-1 user board meeting, hosted a wildland training with the DNR, hosted Wildfire Community strategic planning session and participate in a CPR instructor renewal class.
• The brush truck is in service.
c. Fredenberg Law Enforcement statistics:
• Deputy Sheriff Sergeant Nick Voltzke presented the March 2024 statistics. There were 32 incidents in the township.
d. Cemetery report for March 2024
• Supervisor Rapp reported the cemetery remains closed.
d. Parks and Recreation and Pavilion for March 2024:
• Supervisor Rapp reported the gate at the sliding hill is closed.
e. Community Center report for March 2024
• Clerk Hanson stated there was 1 rental in March and 4 events.
• Supervisor Rapp presented an estimate from Bingaman Electrical Specialties for $1,983 to repair the light fixtures in the board room, install thermostat in women’s washroom, and clean up wiring for zone valve for the outdoor rink. There was a motion by Chair Wagner to accept the Bingaman estimate and send a check for the 60% ($1,189.80) as soon as possible and seconded by Superior Blix. There was a roll call vote and all signified affirmatives. This motion was carried unanimously.
f. Recycling report for March 2024:
• Supervisor Pawlowicz reported the Recycling Center is operating well and she was successful in securing the new locks for the bins.
• Supervisor Pawlowicz will inquiry about a hazardous waste disposal event at Fredenberg.
12. Other Meetings for March 2024:
• Clerk
• Hanson attended the DAT meeting on March 21.
13. Old Business:
• 2024 township mowing quotes: Five lawn mowing quotes were received. The Board reviewed all the quotes. There was a motion by Supervisor Rapp to accept the Peter Emerson (White Pine Lawn Care) quote for Townhall/Baseball field at $97.50; Recycling Center $97.50; Firehall $97.50; Cemetery $55 total of $347.50 and seconded by Supervisor Blix. There was a roll call vote and all signified affirmatives. This motion was carried unanimously.
• 2024 township road work quotes: One road work quote was received and it was from Lakehead Trucking. There was a motion by Supervisor Blix to accept the Lakehead Trucking quote and seconded by Chair Wagner. There was a roll call vote and all signified affirmatives. This motion was carried unanimously.
14. New Business:
• Resolution 2024-0403: Joint Powers Agreement & Court Data Services: Hanson presented the resolution to the Board for review. It was created by the town attorney and it is necessary for the fee sharing agreement. There was a motion by Chair Wagner to accept Resolution 2024-0403 and seconded by Supervisor Blix. There was a roll call vote and all signified affirmatives. This motion was carried unanimously.
• Walking Trail on town property: There has been a request to develop/construct a walking trail around the edge of the town property. Brittany Wagner spoke to the proposal. There was a motion by Supervisor Jeff Blix to research the concept of a walking trail on town property and seconded by Chair Wagner. There was a roll call vote and all signified affirmatives. This motion was carried unanimously.
• The second monthly Board meeting is April 17th , 2024. There was a motion by Supervisor Blix to not have a second meeting and seconded by Supervisor Rapp. There was a roll call
vote and all signified affirmatives. This motion was carried unanimously.
15. Adjourn
• There was a motion by Supervisor Blix to adjourn the meeting at 8:03 PM and seconded by Supervisor Rapp. There was a roll call vote and all signified affirmatives. This motion was carried unanimously.
Respectfully submitted,
Ellen Hanson, Clerk Tim Wagner
Kim Wagner, Deputy Clerk Board Chair