December 2023 Minutes

Fredenberg Board of Supervisors Minutes of Proceedings December 6, 2023

The regular Board meeting of the Town of Fredenberg, Minnesota, St. Louis County was held in the Fredenberg Town Hall on Wednesday, December 6th, 2023, at 7:00 PM.
1. Board members present: Chair Tim Wagner, Vice Chair Deb Pawlowicz, Supervisor Jeff Blix,
Supervisor Clay Cich, Supervisor Walter Rapp, Clerk Ellen Hanson, and Deputy Clerk Kim Wagner.
2. Others in Attendance: There were 11 others in attendance.
3. Call to order the Regular meeting: The meeting was called to order by Chair Wagner at 7:00 PM.
4. Pledge of allegiance: All present stood and cited the pledge of allegiance.
5. Approval of the Agenda: There was a motion by Supervisor Blix to approve the agenda and seconded by Chair Wagner. There was a roll call vote and all signified affirmatives. This motion was carried unanimously.
6. Open Forum
• There were no speakers.
7. Approval of the Minutes
• Regular meeting of November 1st, 2023: There was a motion by Supervisor Blix to approve the November 1st, 2023, Board of Supervisors meeting minutes as amended and seconded by Supervisor Rapp. There was a roll call vote and all signified affirmatives. This motion was carried unanimously. Amendment: under Clerk’s report add the vendor’s name, Vesel Construction to clarify claim 10749.
8. Financial Reports
• Clerk Hanson stated she is balanced with the bank and presented the cash control report and the Schedule 1 report which has the investment totals. There was a motion by Supervisor Pawlowicz to approve the treasurers report and seconded by Supervisor Cich. There was a roll call vote and all signified affirmatives. This motion was carried unanimously.
9. Clerks Report – Ellen Hanson
• Hanson presented the Cash control statement for Board review under the Treasurers report. She is balanced with the bank.
• The Board reviewed the claims list. There was a motion by Supervisor Pawlowicz to accept claims 10750-10760 and 10762-10768 for a total of $36,054.94 and seconded by Supervisor Blix. There was a roll call vote and all signified affirmatives. This motion was carried unanimously. The Vesel Construction claim 10761 for $8,888.85 to be voided and reissued for $6,713.12. The Board is disputing the work in the janitor’s closet, and they have asked for an itemized invoice with costs for each item.
• Newsletter discussion on print or online: Hanson reported there were several responses from residents and there were a few more responses in favor of continuing the print edition and mailing to properties. The Board decided to continue printing the newsletter. There was a motion by Supervisor Blix to continue with printing the newsletter each month and seconded by Supervisor Cich. There was a roll call vote and all signified affirmatives. This motion was carried unanimously.
10. Correspondence
• Clerk Hanson read the correspondence. There were 17 total received: 1 mail and 16 emails.
11. Reports
a. Roads report Nov. 2023:
• Supervisor Blix reported there was road work on Wood Duck Lane.
• Jeff Monsaas reported on the Local Road Improvement Program (LRIP) application. The application is to improve East Cooke Lake Road, Wood Duck Drive, and West
Fredenberg Board of Supervisors
Minutes of Proceedings Page 2 of 2 December 6, 2023 Island Road. The application is almost ready to be submitted. It is due on December 8.
b. Fire Department report for Nov. 2023:
• Chief Bergstrand reported there 11 calls in November. They included 10 medical and 1 public assist for spilled fluids.
• The Department is recruiting new members.
c. Cemetery report for Nov. 2023:
• Supervisor Rapp stated the cemetery is closed for the year. Since the weather has been above average, he allowed a burial.
d. Parks and Recreation and Pavilion for Nov. 2023:
• Supervisor Blix stated there was nothing new to report.
d. Community Center report for Nov. 2023:
• Clerk Hanson stated there were 3 rentals in November.
• The Breakfast with Santa event was very successful.
• Supervisor Cich suggested the town purchase storage bins for protecting the kitchen utensils. Clerk Hanson will measure and order them.
e. Recycling report for Nov. 2023:
• Supervisor Pawlowicz reported the Recycling Center is operating well.
• The center is cleaned out in preparation for the skating rink boards.
12. Other Meetings for Nov. 2023:
• There were no other meetings in November.
13. Old Business:
• Update on ice skating rink boards: Supervisor Cich reported the boards are ready to be shipped and asked the final payment to be sent to the vendor, Becker Arena Products.
There was a motion by Supervisor Blix to send the final payment to the vendor and seconded by Supervisor Cich. There was a roll call vote and all signified affirmatives. This motion was carried unanimously. Andy Olson stated they have created a 501C and have raised $5,000 to date and would like to purchase a sign that would identify the skating shed. Clerk Hanson will check with MAT on the town managing the funds.
• Update on the town’s newsletter: See under Clerk’s report.
• Treasurer vacancy: There were two responses/applications for the position. It is suggested the Board establish an interview committee to review and interview the candidates. After which their recommendation will be presented at the next board meeting. Supervisors Cich and Blix with Clerk Hanson will be on the committee to interview the candidates.
14. New Business
• The second monthly Board meeting is December 20th, 2023. There was a motion by Supervisor Blix to not have a second meeting and seconded by Supervisor Cich. There was a roll call vote and all signified affirmatives. This motion was carried unanimously.
15. Adjourn
• There was a motion by Chair Wagner to adjourn the meeting at 8 PM and seconded by Supervisor Blix. There was a roll call vote and all signified affirmatives. This motion was carried unanimously.
Respectfully submitted,
Ellen Hanson, Clerk Tim Wagner
Kim Wagner, Deputy Clerk Board Chair